Siti Sasqia Nazar



Sumber Gambar : Artikel Binus TV Club

Being single is sometimes tiring. Moreover, newly broken up with a girlfriend or boyfriend. Is not easy to really be able to move on. Many people are stuck with their past because of love. So that, can bother daily activities and may hinder the future.

Sometimes the dark past is like poison for our future growth, which always haunt and overshadow wherever we go. As you may know, being single does not mean the end of the world. Being single is more smarter than being in the wrong relationship. Single doesn’t mean you don’t know anything about love, it just means you know enough to wait for. Sometimes it’s better to be alone, nobody can hurt you. The following below is 5 positive side becomes single:

  1. Free to associating with anyone

When someone has  girlfriend or boyfriend they are more likely has sensitive nature of they self. Moreover when the girlfriend or boyfriend close to the other opposite sex, this will certainly cause to jealous and overprotective. Then will be a conflict among them to forbid closer with the others opposite sex. But when being single, you can be free to closer with everyone you want without make someone angry because you don’t have boyfriend or girlfriend. Single is free.

  1. Far away from getting hurt

In relationship does not always run smoothly. There is always up and down when running relation among man and female. There are frequent conflicts of jealousy, misunderstanding, infidelity and so on. But when being single, you don’t have to think about it. You can spend your time with your friend or family to be happy.

  1. Economical

No need to set aside for two people if you want to go everywhere. Indeed, in the relationship, there are couples who pay for food.  And in relationship we need to prepare a surprise and use money to buy something special to our couple when anniversary or his/her birthday arrives. But if you are single, you’re going to lower costs, because you can use your money for yourself without being bothered by anyone.

  1. Focus on career

Single status sometimes make success will come early, because you can focus on your career without being bothered by anyone. You do not need to think about things that are not important because you can focus easily if you’re single. When you’re success on your career it might seem easy to find a suitable couples. So don’t worry if you can’t get the people you love or want. Believe it, that mate is in the hands of god.

  1. A lot of time to prepare ourselves

If you are single, you have a little more responsibility, this means you can more focus at yourself, such as the focus on your business, your job, and your problem may be less. You are free to do anything without thinking about others. Because if you are in the relationship, you should be able to share time and money for your relationship. If you’re single, you’re have more free time, so you can focus more for the future, use your time as possible to improve your future.

In conclusions, perhaps the biggest problem for you who are single is “loneliness”. But you need to remember, there is someone out who are waiting for you. Your step now, determine who deserves you. Single is not only talking about status. Single is the word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. 

Sumber Penulisan/Daftar Pustaka : Artikel Binus Tv Club
