Special Tax Chaturday – Indonesian Tax Update

This year, ASC presents an alumni gathering “Special Tax Chaturday,” with alumni Andi Kieputera on Saturday, September 14, 2021. The gathering delivers various essential insights and sharing of valuable experiences to assist students with assessing their current situations and future planning in accounting and finance. The large accounting and finance industry can be considered intimidating with its many categories and a vast variety of career-specific jobs. In addition, lessons learned in universities may differ to an extent in real-world applications. These differences are best understood through first-hand experiences, which can open up new perspectives and suggestions.

The alumni gathering will especially discuss the tax field of finance. Specifically, discussions will highlight the introduction, challenges, and benefits of working towards the career path. We are joined by alumni Andi Kieputera, which is a Pb Taxand partner and has been in the tax profession for almost 14 years. He has extensive taxation experience and knowledge primarily of tax litigation. Also, he has extensive expertise in tax due diligence, tax review, and tax advising in a variety of industries, including real estate, mining, plantations, healthcare, manufacturing, service, information technology, startups, and high-net-worth people. He delivered topics such as income tax law, VAT law, and tax reform plan in Indonesia.

The session was led by a Moderator, Mr. Hansi Joachim, who provided opportunities for a deeper discussion among participants and the speaker. After an engaging question and answer session, the event was ended with a Kahoot quiz session, followed by an E-Certificate handover and a photo session. “Special Tax Chaturday” managed to gather over 300 registered participants on Saturday, September 14, 2021.